

I figured if I drew enough Buddha self portraits maybe somehow all the wisdom and enlightenment would pop into my head…. Well it hasn’t exactly happened yet, but eventually I’m sure it’ll work. I used his quotes in the background for some much needed guidance.


Life Is Definitely A Bitch


I’ve always heard the expression ‘life is a bitch and then you die.’ I’ve always had my reasons to give into the pessimistic view, but up until now I held my own. However, this week I finally realized that life actually is a bitch, there are a few things in between that and dying, but as a whole, it’s a tough one.

About two weeks ago I was kicked out of college after only being there for five days, only five! I was devastated, hell I still am. I keep asking myself what type of sick joke is this, why was this happening? The more I think about the past 2 months the more signs I begin to see, but who would have thought this would happen.

So now I’m stuck, disowned, neglected and just sad. I can’t even think about going back to a university until fall 2014, so now this gives me most of the year to get myself together. I have more free time than I know what do with, I think it’s time I get myself together and start new this fall.

Any ideas on what I should do to better myself, or do in my spare time? I have eight months…

Life has made a fool out of me today, but we’ll see about tomorrow. We will see…


Beauty Matters

DF Salvador

mona ace

You’re one of fifty-two people who mill about in a large room.  Each of you holds a playing card against your forehead.  No one knows their own card, but you can see each other’s.  The goal of this little game is to pair off with the highest card possible, but to accomplish this, your request for partnership has to be accepted by the other.  Of course the Aces and Kings are the most popular and they pretty much know right away that they’re the cream of the crop.  It’s instant mutual acceptance when an Ace requests to partner with another Ace.  It works fairly quickly with the Kings as well.  By the time this experiment is over, for the most part, Aces have paired with Aces, tens with tens, sixes with sixes, and twos with twos.

It must be kind of depressing being a two, being the last in the…

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Stylish deformities: The ways that fashion has flattened, bent, and broken bones.

Strange Remains

Skulls and skeletons have influenced fashion for centuries from clothes, to jewelry, to purses.  But fashion has also affected bones by flattening, bending, and even breaking them through skeletal modification.  These artificial deformations were often a mark of social status as well as femininity.  Below are few ways fashion has changed bones from past to present.  Let’s start with the head and move our way down.

Artificial cranial deformation

Artificial cranial deformation, also known as head flattening or head binding, is a form of cranial modification in which the frontal and the occipital bones are intentionally flattened and the cranial vault is lengthened using cloth or wood.  Cranial deformation was practiced throughout Europe, Asia, and South America.

People underwent head flattening for many reasons: it was visually appealing, was a sign of status, or because it was believe a certain head shape was good for the child.  The…

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